Wednesday, June 30, 2010

MAIL ART!!! Inbox and Outbox

Just a few things sent out today, and a rad Mail Art piece received earlier this week.


Front/Back of a Mail Art envie. Letter sent to Dosanko Debbie of Japan- a very talented Etegami artist.

Postcard sent to Fast Eyes.

Insect-themed Mail Art envie. Sent out to my friend Ash in southern Oregon.


Received from Taradactyl of Las Vegas.

Yes, there were more stamps but as you can see the postman kindly forgot to cancel the postage- so I am thoughtfully recycling it. ;)


TARAdactyl said...

I think the post-people are getting super lazy because almost every envelope I get at least one stamp isn't canceled.

Not that I'm complaining....

Da_Meesh! said...

Ah!!! I am SO jealous of that squirrel card!!!!! ;)
