Wow, what a wonderful day it was for receiving mail! Five envelopes full and a postcard to boot! It's days like these that make me feel justified in spending all of my time decorating envelopes and writing letters...

First up, we have a letter received from TheBigB of Swap-bot. Not for swapping though, just for fun!

Isn't it Mystical and Wonderful? This wondrous
Hand-Carved Goddess Stamp was from Cheryl Fines (Onceinabluemoon) of Swap-bot. Received for a swap.

A whole envelope full of goodies from Wendy S. or 'Sassytealhippo" of Swap-bot for a "No-spending Swap". Perhaps it'll come as no surprise that I am Especially excited for the tea? :)

Postcard received from a friend who is quite dear, and recently lost a dog friend who was quite dear herself....

This parcel, sent from Kata L was really a 'Daymaker'. So artfully pieced together, decorated with hand-carved stamp designs. And, as you can see, the gifts inside were everything the envelope promised and more.

Oh, and I just had to include a special picture of the card she had made to write the letter in. This is some truly inspiring craft!

Last but certainly not least, a big mail art envelope from my penpal Meg Elias of Rhode Island. It didn't fit in the Post Office box, so I got the extra privilege of being handed it directly by the PostMaster. I bet he was sure jealous.

Some of the misc. surprises awaiting me within..

The sweetest surprise- a Moleskine journal that she had hand-cut bird silhouettes out of. I had secretly been coveting a Moleskine journal forever, but couldn't bring myself to buy one when it's so easy (and efficient) to make my own using scrap paper. It's a travel journal, to be my constant companion once I gain the courage (and the funds) to hit the open road.