I was originally forced to make this blog for an art class and I wasn't happy about it at the time- afterward I deleted all of my posts and haven't done anything with it since.
Lately though, I have been sifting through my beloved collection of mail art. Some pieces have been created by friends, but most are from people I've never met. I've been thinking I probably never will meet some of them, and yet I feel a connection with them through these postcards and letters. I think we create something new & magical whenever we share our art, or just things that are beautiful to us, with other people. So, I am hoping to use this blog to share wonderful things, to honor and to cultivate connections with other lovely souls.
Mostly, I will put up Mail Art that I've received or created- and hopefully inspire folks to craft and share more love through postal exchange. Also, I will be putting up images and words that inspire me-
Because the songs and pictures we need, they need us too.....
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